50 Summer Themed Facebook Group Engagement Templates for Canva | Premade Templates for Direct Sellers, Authors, Coaches, Content Creators




Ready to SUPER CHARGE engagement in your Facebook Group? Grab these Summer themed premade Canva templates to make managing your Facebook Group easy, fun and productive!

Never have to stress about what to post! These templates are 100% customizable to your branding! Sized perfectly for your Facebook group, all you need to do is download and post!

Once you purchase, you will be given a PDF download with all the information on how to access your templates!

“Oh my God! Your Canva templates have LITERALLY made my life 100x easier! Instead of stressing about what to post and how to engage my readers, all I need to do is share these templates and it’s instant and organic engagement.”

“I have saved SO many hours using these templates.”

“I scheduled out a month’s worth of content in under an hour! Now I finally have the time to interact and engage with my group instead of stressing out about what the heck to post!”


Download will arrive as a PDF with the link to get your Canva templates!


50 Summer Themed Facebook Group Engagement Templates for Canva | Premade Templates for Direct Sellers, Authors, Coaches, Content Creators